About Us
We use our unrivaled knowledge and experise to help people make the next step toward sustainable workplace purchasing by providing advice and ethically produced product solutions that minimise their environmental impact and ensure their spending goes towards making a positive change.
The majority of us are looking for new ways we can help protect our planet and care for its depleting resources. In fact, 9/10 of people in the UK believe sustainability is vital and 88% feel a personal responsibility to help the environment. The majority of workplace products we purchase for our offices and homes have been manufactured in some way from a source of raw or blended material which then needs to be packaged, shipped, and installed. One of the simplest ways to make a difference is to be more conscious about what we buy (i.e where it came from, what it's made from and what's going to become to it ). By doing so our actions not only minimise our carbon footprint but also encourage other companies to source and produce products in a more sustainable way.
Obtaining the impact and sustainability details of a product is not easy so OFC was founded to support those looking to purchase quality environmentally sustainable workplace products from trusted certified sources. Using our extensive knowledge, we seek out and work with local producers in the UK and the EU who share our core values and produce sustainably manufactured workplace products that, in many cases, are 100% carbon neutral.
OFC works with businesses, architects, specifiers, individuals, contractors and trade partners to provide a cost-effective professional consultancy service as well as offering a convenient online purchasing platform.
We are encouraging suppliers to implement eco data sheets so buyers can see the measured net impact of a product's production and how this is offset. In addition, we also encourage the availability of serviceable spare parts to further lengthen the lifespan of a product. Many of our products are already included in circular use programmes in which a client signs up for a free extended 15-year warranty, post purchase, with the facility to return it for recycling and the end of its useful live. We believe these levels of transparency truly help customers make informed purchasing choices.
Founder & Senior Consultant, Stuart McRae has passionately worked in the commercial furniture industry for over 26 years with the last few years being spent working on a diverse range of interior projects for the defense contractor BAE Systems.
Stuart adds "The fundamentals that drive our business will always remain the same. Success to us is about client relationships built on trust, reliability and great service. Success is never measured simply about selling something for less that someone else, its about offering customers practical, sustainable and affordable solutions for today which are not detrimental to our planet tomorrow. Customers are now relying on us more that ever to help fulfil their CSR commitments".
Stuart has a passion for innovation in engineering and a drive to support sustainable manufacturing. He is a renowned specialist in the development and supply of office seating as well as being certified in ergonomics & workstation set-up.
Our ethical marketing pledge
We put the person before the sale.​
We respect you and your privacy. We will help you make the best choice for your needs, not ours.
We communicate inclusively, truthfully, and clearly.​
We will not confuse you or hide information from you. We will help all audiences feel welcome.
We take responsibility for our part in changing the marketplace.​
We recognize the need to break the cycle of consumerism. We will continuously review our sales and marketing to ensure they benefit the common good.
We count on you to hold us accountable. Please connect with us if you see us not honouring our pledge.